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本文摘要:Making a call is now only the sixth most common use for a mobile phone, a study has found。

Making a call is now only the sixth most common use for a mobile phone, a study has found。一项研究找到,在智能手机的常用功能中,打电话不能位列第六。Sending and receiving text messages, reading emails, browsing the internet and using the phone’s alarm clock have all overtaken actual conversation。

发送短信,坎邮件,网页网页,以定闹钟等等功能的重要性早已多达了实际的通话功能。In fact, almost four in ten smartphone users believe they would manage without a call function on their handset at all。事实上,有四成的智能手机用户称之为,就算他们的手机上没通话功能,他们也能在生活中应付自如。

The study found the average person uses their mobile phone for an hour and 52 minutes a day。该研究找到,人们用于手机的时间一般为每天一小时52分钟。

Most of this time is taken up with texting, emails and surfing the web, but around 20 minutes will be spent making an average of three calls。大多数的时间都花上在发送短信,发送邮件,网页网页上,人们平均值每天只打三个电话,所画上大约20分钟的时间。The survey of 2,000 people found that social media apps, calculators, calendars and cameras were also seen as particularly important functions。

这项对2000人展开的调查找到,社交网络应用,计算器,日历和照相机也被人们视作十分最重要的手机功能。Navigation apps such as Google Maps were popular too – with one in six respondents admitting they would feel unable to travel around an unfamiliar city without one。谷歌地图之类的导航系统应用于也十分热门——1/6的受访者否认,如果没导航系统应用于的话,他们在陌生的城市不会寸步难行。

The study also found checking Facebook and taking pictures of others are carried out more frequently than making calls。研究还找到,上人人网,给旁人照片等应用于的用于频率也多达打电话。Also on the list were the calendar to remember appointments and birthdays, mobile banking and the news are applications that make day-to-day life a little easier。

在常用功能的表格上还有日历应用于,它可以警告人们忘记约会,亲友生日等类似的日子,手机财经和新闻等应用于也不会使我们的日常生活显得更为便利。Tom Barr, Hailo’s chief executive, said: ‘The functions on a smartphone have developed and improved drastically over the past decade。海铑机电的首席执行官,汤姆·巴尔称之为:“在过去的数十年里,智能手机上的功能大大发展,经历了轻微的变革。”‘With so many ways to keep in touch nowadays, people are using the functions that are convenient for them.As we get less and less time to ourselves, we need more convenience in our lives and less hassle. While calling can be more personal, it doesn’t always save you time.’“现在人们互相联系的方法十分之多,人们不会想用便利的方法和他人联系。


